Saturday, May 10, 2014

Adventures in Switzerland

So where do I begin, April 2014 has been one of the best months of my life! It has been an amazing whirlwind full of great visits from family and friends, some amazing travel adventures and taking starting a new chapter in our lives!

Here it goes from the beginning... It all started with a facebook message from a good friend back in Charlotte that I used to work with, Fellen :) She was coming to town and wanted to meet up for dinner. I was thrilled to see her again and catch up! We went to a cute little Indian restaurant near Marble Arch. The food was good but the company was even better!!!

That following Monday, Jeff was off to work in the worst location every for 2 weeks. Just kidding! He was on a job in Switzerland and here are a few picture from his time there. 
There was a lake outside of this hotel with a weird fork in it... 

This was his office... 

His celebrity spotting with Charlie Chaplin... 

For a team event they took this tram 
that went up the side of the mountain.

The view from the top of the mountain. 

Given his amazing location, his team decided to stay over the weekend. On Sunday, they had their own little BBQ. Looks like they eat well!

His colleagues, James and Jade, at the BBQ.

For all those wondering what is exactly on the grill... I am ashamed to say that some of that is horse meat :( Apparently it is very common in Switzerland... Jeff said it was good but that is something I will never ever eat. 

To relax after a hard days work his          
team also took a few bike rides...               

Here is a good action one... poor guy he forgot to pack appropriate socks so he was rocking the long black work socks!

 A few sights they saw along the way.. smirfs! haha no one really knows why they are around though. 

A few fun facts about the place he visited..It is the headquarters for Nestle. It is the only place to make liquor from pears. He had his first encounter with Gypsies. So apparently gypsies can squat in a place, like a parking lot, for 3 months before they can be legally removed. The ones he saw all drove BWMs and Mercedes and had trailers they lived in.  He brought back some amazing chocolate for us to nibble on as well :) 

From the pictures and the stories it sounds and looks like Jeffrey and his team worked hard and played hard. My conclusion: Switzerland is very expensive, but if Jeffrey goes back to this client next year, this girl is definitely coming for a visit!!!

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