Thursday, November 28, 2013

The best and the worst... but definitely not average!

I haven't made a post about London stuff in a while... so it goes :)

We arrived at the beginning of the best summer London had seen in years. It was broadcasted all over the BBC London and multitude of papers. Having just arrived, I am not sure we had a full appreciation for the warm weather yet. The summer quickly passed and we tried to make the most of it. 

A month ago, we had one of the worst storms London had seen in ages. There were hurricane force winds that created destruction across the city and cost several people their lives. We were lucky and very fortunate it did not affect us significantly.  

Recently, the BBC and the various papers are brining up the conditions of upcoming winter. And guess what... it is suppose to the worst winter in years! The headlines read... 

Heavy snow is set to cripple parts of the UK
Worst winter in decades
Britain set to freeze in 'Arctic Plunge'
Snowfall and temperatures as low as -4C 

Needless to say... these do not give me a warm and fuzzy feeling, but at least it is not boring!  Please note, my christmas list now contains the following:

- thick warm socks
- warm hats
- bubble coat with fur around the hood
- warm, water proof boots
- electric/warm blanket 

Just kidding about the christmas list, but I do think we are going to hit up the outlets on our trip home to stock up on warm clothes. (Really it is just an excuse to go shopping though haha)

Speaking of extremes... I think this is the worst design for a building ever. There is a high rise nick-named the 'Walkie Talkie' for its shape. What the architect did not appear to consider... is the impact of the sun's rays (when the sun is shining) reflecting on the ground. The rays have been so strong they melted a car! and of course to make the story better... it was a Jaguar that was melted. haha The London humor has now remained this building the 'Walkie Scorchie'. To ensure it is not melting any more cars they put a black sheet over the side of the building. I just laugh every time I see it!

Another popular topic in London right now is Movember. My vote for best goatee goes to Jeffrey... 

The worst mustache awards can also be awarded to Jeffrey... 

this stache means business!
but looks creepy when he smiles.....  

Haha I love this man! He makes me laugh everyday and couldn't image life without him. He is so silly about this mustache business. Since I have to endure it for a full month.. please consider helping make my suffering worth while and contribute to his cause :) 

End Callie's suffering= Donate to Jeff

Last note... some of the best decisions I have made in art... 

Love, love, love this one we got from Camden Market!

And here is a caricature we got in Brighton 
a few months ago. It doesn't really look like us... 
but still happy we got it!

That is all for now :) We hope everyone has a great thanksgiving. Eat some extra turkey and pumpkin pie for me!


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